Home Links Help Italiano
  1) how can I receive the newsletters?
To receive our newsletters on aaggiornamenti offered by our publishing house, simply enter your e-mail field in the space previstop on the home page and press the button cojnferma: uto-hide the system catalog your address on our list of readers , and confirmed with a confirmation message.

2) How do I unsubscribe from newsletters
It 'just click on the link on the home page and enter your e-mail in the window, and press enter to clear. The system automatically removes your e-mail address from our lists.

3) How can I speak in the forums?
To intervene in formus is necesssario fill in the form of user registration, scengliendo a nickname (username) and password that will allow you to leave messages and read the pages appositiquesiti in the form of discussion.

3) How do I order?
To order just send an email to our address on the page "contacts" by specifying the qualifications required: as soon as you receive an email from our staff to confirm the order and then start the shipment of the texts ordered.