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Architect, art historian, painter, poet, in this collection Pino Viscusi experiments the creative and critical tension which can and must join the sky with the earth through the deep assimilation of interactions, between words and images, able of organizing a new architectural and visual space.
  Collection "The Oreads"
Words have wings too by Pino Viscusi
48 color tables with 36 colored photos - 112 pages
  Price € 17,00 - ISBN 88-87706-13-1
Il test stelle e onde
La puericultura per risposte
The expression of your being
Villa Belvedere
The murder of Via Oporto
Chang fu
Senza consenso
Notes of a ghost
Mariolino and the martians
The malediction of the ghost
The silent avant-gardes

Words have wings too

A yellow story
The word trip
L'io nella scrittura
The body's secrets