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It is the first volume of the Collection "The Thrillers of the Past" aiming at offering the reader the pleasure of immersing himself in the complicated and charming atmosphere of stories told and set during the '30es.
A seemingly banal murder and a young Police Inspector who does not satisfy himself with the simple motivations given to this murder: these are the ingredients of this classical detective story, with an involving plot.

  Collection "The Oreadi "
Il Viaggio della Parola
Libro con illustrazioni e colori realizzate dall'autore con testo a fronte inglese a cura di Daniela Previtali, 48 tav. a colori con 36 fotografie a colori - 136 pagine
  Price € 15,00 - ISBN 88-87706-14-X
Il test stelle e onde
La puericultura per risposte
The expression of your being
Villa Belvedere
The murder of Via Oporto
Chang fu
Senza consenso
Notes of a ghost
Mariolino and the martians
The malediction of the ghost
The silent avant-gardes

Words have wings too

A yellow story
The word trip
L'io nella scrittura
The body's secrets