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I Segreti del corpo
The book is so to speak, the "chronicle" of one of the many seminars held by the Author. Each seminar is conducted around a specific theme that is developed in practice through the implementation of various yoga positions (Asana) and theoretically through the analysis of various aspects of Yoga.

The author, with extreme simplicity, it invites the reader to pay closer attention to what is happening in his body, to have greater awareness of it in order to better understand the "message" that sends.
Starting from the description and execution of the Asana explain the effects that each of them produces the various organs of the body and on this basis encourages them to practice the practical experience sensations and reactions that occur in each case.

Building upon the experiences described by participants approdondisce the topic, describing the operation of various organs, explaining the effect of various breathing techniques, song of Mantra and the influence exerted by the colors that relate to the Chakras.

Of great interest to the liveliness and concreteness of the experiences recounted, the book can become a source of depth and to discover subtle relationships, but deep and fascinating that there are in all that surrounds us, and felt by anyone who is willing to pay more attention and exercise their sensitivity and awareness.

  Collection "I Colori dell'Anima "
I Segreti del corpo by Franco Di Domenico - Illustrations designed by the Author - 63 pages The soul's colors
  Prezzo € 9,30 - ISBN 88-87706-16-6
Il test stelle e onde
La puericultura per risposte
The expression of your being
Villa Belvedere
The murder of Via Oporto
Chang fu
Senza consenso
Notes of a ghost
Mariolino and the martians
The malediction of the ghost
The silent avant-gardes

Words have wings too

A yellow story
The word trip
L'io nella scrittura
The body's secrets